Workforce Solutions presented by Prosperity Partners

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Name: Workforce Solutions presented by Prosperity Partners
Date: April 27, 2023
Time: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:

Workforce Solutions presented by Prosperity Partners will bring business, education, and community leaders together to discuss workforce issues within the Mason-Deerfield region. Guests are invited to hear from our local education leaders on programs available to businesses which have been created to support numerous workforce needs.

This event will include a panel of speakers and in-depth discussions focused on real-life examples of how our educational partners are working with the business community to tackle the regional workforce crisis head-on. Due to the nature of the room capacity, we ask that you try to limit attendees to one per company in order to maximize the number of businesses in the room. The event will include breakfast and coffee courtesy of UC Health West Chester Hospital.


Meet the Event Speakers

Ekaterina Gay
Miami University Regionals

Chris Hubbard
Sinclair College in Mason

Shawn Lenney
Greater Ohio Virtual School

Greg Sears
Kings Local School District


Event Media:
Event Sponsors:

Presenting Sponsor

UC Health West Chester Hospital
Conference Room - Main Building
7700 University Dr.
West Chester, OH 45069
Contact Information:
Sidney Hayes - (513) 336-0125
MADE Chamber Members: $25*
*MADE Chamber member-exclusive event

Due to the nature of the room capacity, we ask that you try to limit attendees to one per company in order to maximize the number of businesses in the room.
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