Summer has reached the halfway point and before we know it school will be starting.
How many children will start their school day by waking up on the floor in their house?
Yes it happens....and it's happening to plenty of kids right here in our community.
Last fall with your help, we were able to build enough beds to get over 40 kids off of the floor. This year our goal is to build 50 beds!
On October 22 we are again turning the parking lot at Powder Keg Harley-Davidson into a wood shop and we need your help. To build 50 beds again this year we need to raise $12,500.
We know that times are tough right now but if we all chip in we can make this happen. Powder Keg is spearheading the project and giving up our parking lot but Sleep In Heavenly Peace is the organization we are supporting. Powder Keg is not collecting money, all donations go straight to Sleep In Heavenly Peace, a non profit 501C3 organization.
To make your donation use the QR code above. We have also attached a video from last year's build.
Thank you again for your help and our goal is the same as the Sleep in Heavenly Peace motto...No Kid Sleeps on the Floor in our Town!
Also, if you know of a child that needs a bed there is information on the SLHP website to get them a bed.